Friday, August 2, 2013

Another Surgery

Jake had surgery today to replace the piece of his skull that had to be taken out back on May 31st. He was a little nervous this morning about the surgery and didn't like the fact he was going to have to get a breathing tube again. Luckily they put it in and took it out all while he was in the operating room, so he was never awake and didn't feel it. Here is a picture of him before he went to surgery. He was laughing at the silly blue suits we had to put on to take him to surgery.

His surgery went well and he's going to rest today and tomorrow morning before he starts therapy again.

On Wednesday, he walked by himself for the first time without a walker or someone helping him. He was really excited. Here is a video He is working so hard in therapy on his walking and getting more use of his left arm.

Jake won't be out of the hospital yet for the first day of school, but he will be starting school again sometime in August for at least a few hours a day. He's really excited to see all of his friends again!