Sunday, July 28, 2013

No Concert & Motorcycles

Yesterday I heard that I can't go to the Rush concert that I've been dying to go to since March. The doctors think that it won't be safe for me since my brain is still healing. I'm really bummed out, but next year is their 40th Anniversary and my mom and dad said we'll travel wherever we need to go so I can see them if they don't come to Denver.

I also found out this week that I'll be out of the hospital in 2-3 weeks and I'm really happy about that. The day of the Rush concert, I'm getting my bone flap (that's the piece of skull they took off when I first had surgery) put back in and I'm really excited. Where my skull is missing, my head is soft and squishy, my brother said it feels like a ripe peach.

Yesterday the Harley Davidson motorcycle guys came and I got to sit on one of the motorcycles and they took a picture of me. They also brought BBQ which was really good.

Last night we had a family night where my entire family was here. We ate dinner all together and played games. We played Uno and Apples to Apples, we also ate popcorn. It was really fun.


1 comment:

  1. The good thing jake is that you can finally return home
    Collin Robles
