Friday, July 5, 2013 Jake

Hi guys, I'm doing great. I just found out that I can have soda so I'm having a Barg's root beer. It sometimes tickles my throat a little and it makes me burp a lot. I also get to have popcorn which is one of my favorite snacks. I just got back from therapy and I hated it. They work me really hard and I can barely handle it. My mom said she is adding a video of me in therapy today, this part wasn't too bad.

I got a new pair of drumsticks from my friends in scouts, thanks guys. They all signed them, they're really cool. Before I could not wrap my left hand around my drumsticks but now I can. I'm pretty excited about that.

Thanks everyone for all the comments on the blog, I like reading them.


1 comment:

  1. Love the volleyball video! Very Cool!

    Mrs. Goodenow
