Thursday, July 25, 2013

Walking and Drumming

Jake has been working so hard in therapy lately. He now has 5-6 hours every day that he has to be meeting with one of the therapists, or in one of his groups. It's a pretty crazy schedule and he gets pretty wiped out. While his muscles are healing and working hard, so is his brain.

He's been practicing walking more and more each day. He sometimes gets frustrated and says to me "Mom, I know how to walk so why can't I?" It's kind of hard to explain to him, but the part of his brain that was injured controls the left side of his body. So not only is his whole body weak from being in bed for so long, his brain has to find new ways to talk to his legs so they can work together. It's really hard work. Here is a video of him walking with a walker. He is really hoping he'll be walking on his own when it's time to come home.

He also is getting just enough strength back that he has started to drum. He was pretty excited and has been talking about wanting to do this for weeks. Right now the strongest muscles in his upper left side are his shoulder, so all his arm movement starts from there and can be a little awkward. As his whole arm gets stronger, it will get easier for him. You'll see how hard he is concentrating.

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