Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Visit from Aero

Jake has been really bummed he's not having a "summer like a normal kid," is missing shooting off fireworks, really wants to go home and has been missing his pet guinea pig, Aero (named after Aerosmith of course). I had taken him in a picture of her, but it just wasn't cutting it. Since we can't take pets into the hospital and since it was a little bit cooler today, his Dad and I decided to surprise Jake and brought Aero to the hospital. Jake and I met his Dad outside when he got there and he was really happy to see and hold her. Just a little reminder of home.

Jake is also happy since he is getting to eat a much bigger variety of food now. He really likes breakfast, so today for lunch, he had a double order of bacon, 3 pieces of french toast, french fries, apple sauce, a brownie and raspberry lemonade! It doesn't sound very healthy does it? The Doctors right now are most concerned about him just eating a lot of calories. As his Mom, I can't wait until he can start eating crunchy foods such as carrots and apples like he does at home! It's just great to see him eating so much and really enjoying his food.


  1. from: Madison VanCampen

    Jake u are so brave and i cant blame u for loveing breakfast meals they are good and your guinea pig is so love-a-ble and is sooo cute!
    I cant wait to see u at school again. It is so exciting that u get to see your guinea pig and family anytime u want to unlike me.

    1. from: Kristina Moroz
      I agree with Madison.

  2. I cant wait to see you next year

  3. Jake you are a fighter! I bet you were happy to see your pet guinea pig!! hope to see you healthy again in 5th grade! sincerely Kristina Moroz

  4. from madison vancampen i agree with kristina
