Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pizza, carrots and apples

Sorry for the long time between posts. Jake was going to post today, but he had a really long day and feel asleep before we could get it done. The thing he is probably most happy about is he can eat almost anything now. He's able to eat pizza, carrots, apples, chips, crackers...just about everything.

Jake is also working super hard in therapy. A few weeks ago, it was hard to stand and hurt his legs really bad. Today, he's standing with just a little bit of support from his therapist and is stronger and more stable. He gets to play a lot of games in therapy, a couple of his favorite are Guess Who?, Kerplunk and Connect 4. They like to give him things like games to do while having him stand so he doesn't think so much about the standing, it's a good distraction.

His left arm is getting stronger to and it's moving more. When he squeezes with his left hard, it's getting to be stronger everyday.

He really misses all of his friends and wants to be having fun this summer instead of in the hospital. I don't think he realizes how hot it's been and how nice this air conditioning feels! We're hoping he'll be home in time to enjoy a little bit of summer, he just needs to get a little stronger first.

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