Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hi from Jake

Hi guys, I'm doing really good. I'm walking with a walker and can stand up by myself now. Here is a video that my Dad took the other day of me standing. 

I've got a lot of dog visits while I've been here. I just saw a really fluffy bichon name miles. He was so soft and had a ton of fur. I'm really glad I don't have to groom that dog to keep it brushed and clean, he was really white. My dog got stung by something on the nose and had to go to the vet today but she got some medicine and will be okay. I'm really sad for Molly (my dog).

My brother keeps pushing himself around in my wheelchair when he visits. Yesterday we took a walk and Luke borrowed a wheelchair from the hospital so he could push himself around since I needed my wheelchair. He's crazy. 


1 comment:

  1. Why haven't any people left comments we need to support Jake as much as we can -Collin Robles
