Friday, June 21, 2013

Bye, Bye ICU

Jake is moving out of the ICU today!! He's been there for 21 days and has made a lot of improvements. He is saying more and more each day and is just starting to speak in louder volumes. Most of what he says is still very horse and in a whisper, kind of like laryngitis. He is moving up the what's call the rehab floor where he will start doing rehab twice a day to help him get stronger.

He is really sick of being in the hospital and in bed, so I'm hoping moving to a new room will help. The room he's been in doesn't have a lot of privacy since one whole wall is glass and nurses are coming in every few hours to check on him. His new room will have wall and a door and he won't need to be checked on as much so hopefully he can rest better.

His right arm is still really busy and trying to pull at his feeding tube, I think it itches his nose and tickles his throat. I found that playing with silly putty helps keeps his hand busy. He was really excited to see his brother yesterday and keep asking me "When can I see Luke?" Luke came in after his day camp and loved to hear Jake talking a little more and being more awake. Jake also wrote him a lot of notes when Luke couldn't quite understand what he was saying. They even laid in bed together for a little while and watched TV.

We're still not quite ready for visitors yet, he's need to get a little bit stronger, but we'll keep you posted!


  1. We are all so thrilled at all the progress he is making and so quickly!! What an amazing little man he is! Keep up the good work your friends miss you so much buddy!

  2. Matthew can't wait until Jake is well enough to be visited - glad to hear about all the wonderful progress Jake is making! The Esches
