Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Eating "Real" Food

Jake was able to start drinking and eating real food yesterday! Well it's very mashed food, like applesauce, pudding, mashed potatoes or regular food that has been blended into mush. His jaw is getting stronger everyday but can't quite chew regular food yet. As he said to me tonight when he was eating blended chicken noodle soup, "it doesn't look very good but it tastes just right." He's also been eating a lot of ice cream and drinking the lemonade he was craving. He hasn't been able to get rid of the feeding tube yet, but hopefully that will be in a few days.

Jake has been working really hard in therapy this week, he goes twice a day everyday. We've been able to take him on walks outside in a wheelchair which he really likes. It's been pretty warm so we don't stay out very long.

Now that he is more awake we've been reading all the cards again and Jake can't believe how many cards he got and all the nice things kids wrote to him. It really helps cheer him up when he's having a rough day.

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