Friday, June 7, 2013

Jake's Hospital Room

Fourth graders from Jake's school have sent so many wonderful cards as well as two big banners. I was so excited to hang them in his room to cheer things up. These will be the first things he sees when he wakes up. We started running out of room to put them on the wall and have a basket next to his bed full of the rest of the cards that we read to him when we're there. 

As his family, it's so comforting to read the cards and notes and see how well Jake is liked by his classmates. So many of  
messages are so sweet. You always hope your child is well liked but to see it in writing, especially at a time like this feels very good. His classmates are an exceptional group of kids.

Jake is still sleeping with the medicine the doctors are giving him. As much as I want him to be awake, he needs to sleep for awhile so his brain can heal. He's doing well and making little bits of improvement everyday.

I've heard that many friends would like to visit. Unfortunately, they don't let kids other than siblings come into the ICU where he is staying. As soon as he is ready, I'll be sure to post here so he can see some of friends. 

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