Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Making Progress

Jake is awake a lot of the day now and is starting to slowly say a few words. He's very quiet and a little bit horse but today we got a "Dad", "Hi", "Ok", "Love you too" (that was my favorite) and a "Bye." It's pretty exciting to hear him start talking again after so many days of him sleeping. I can't wait for his full voice and laugh to be back.

He is also starting to write us notes on a wipe-board. Today he asked his Dad "When will I get my freedom." We have to keep his right arm tied down a little because when we don't, he does naughty things like pull his feeding tube out of his nose, he did it three times today! I think he is sick of being in bed.

Jake has also started working with some people called Occupational Therapists (OT),  Physical Therapists (PT) and a Speech Therapist. He needs some helping building up his muscles after laying in bed for 2 1/2 weeks and getting his left arm and leg moving better. He was able to make some movements today with his left arm and left today which was really exciting. It's going to take a little while to get everything working the way he wants, but I know he can do it. The speech therapist is going to help him with exercises to make his throat stronger so it's easier to talk and eat regular food.

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