Sunday, June 23, 2013

Meeting Blondie

Jake is getting settled into his new room on the rehab floor. He is talking up storm but his voice is only about half the normal volume. He's working twice a day with the therapists who are helping him get stronger. He's able to roll on his side by himself and is moving his head a lot more. He's really hoping he can start drinking and eating soon and get rid of his feeding tube but first his neck needs to be strong enough.

He's having a really hard time sleeping which is normal when healing from a brain injury. He was super tired today and got really sad because he can't have water yet (actually he wants lemonade) and wants to go home to his own bed. During the middle of his sadness, a volunteer brought her dog by as part of the pet visitation program. Blondie was a gorgeous soft Collie and seemed to help. It's pretty cool that specially trained pets can come to the hospital and make kids feel better.

Jake got a new bed yesterday that has a tent type thing that goes over it and can be completely zippered closed. It's supposed to create a cozy space and keeps him from wiggling his way out of bed. When the nurse saw how much he was moving around the bed now, the concern was that down the road he might try and climb out and hurt himself if we weren't watching. I think he likes it, there are a ton of pillows and blankets in there. By the way, that brace on his arm is to keep his arm straight so he can't pull the feeding tube out of his nose.

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