Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jake's Injury

On Friday night, Jake came in from outside with a terrible pain on the right side of his head. He took a short nap and we went to check on him, things just didn't see quite right so we decided to take him to the emergency room. When we got there they did some tests and found out that he was what's called a brain aneurysm and it had burst. Its kind of like when you overfill a water balloon and it just pops, except this was much smaller, about 1 cm. They are extremely rare in kids, so rare that they wanted to get him down to Children's Hospital and do surgery right away. Jake had a really good Dr. and surgery went well.

Because his brain needs time to heal, they are using medicine to let him sleep. I think he's probably going to be sleeping for a few weeks but it just depends on how fast he starts to heal.


  1. Dear Dana,
    Our family is praying for Jake. I just read this post to Gracie. We are grateful for your posts on Jake's progress and will continue to pray for complete healing.
    With much love and concern,
    The Steinbrincks

  2. Stay strong Jake. I am praying for you.

  3. Jake you can get through this.

    Matt Etzell
