Friday, June 14, 2013

How Many Staples?

I'm sure some of you have had stitches after hurting yourself and a band aid just wasn't enough to help you heal. The cut they had to make on Jake's head to operate on his brain was pretty big so the Dr's decided to use staples instead of stitches. And the staples came out today! The Doctor said his head is healing very nicely and he won't have much of a scar. (It's all under his hair anyway, so it wouldn't show if he did.)

So how many staples do you think he had? Put your guess in the comments and I'll let you know the answer tomorrow. And parents, no cheating by looking at the other blog. :-)

And the answer is: 49! Update, we found two more staples today that they missed, so that's 51.

Jake had another good day and even got to listen to his favorite band, Rush, for a little while. He still has a lot of tubes and tape holding those in place, it's get really itchy and annoying, plus I think he's just sick of being in bed for 14 days. Anyway, I thought it might help relax him and take his mind off all the stuff bothering him, and I think it worked! I played the music a couple of different times and he really seemed to relax.


  1. I think Jake had 49.

  2. Hope you feel better Jake! Here's our guesses.

    Matt Etzell-45
    Sam Etzell-48
    Taya Etzell-52

  3. ouch!!! feel better. i'm praying for you!!!

    Abbie Rich
